Furniture material - Gandar

3 mēn. X 4.33€ bez pārmaksas
6 mēn. X 2.17€ bez pārmaksas

Do you want this product? It’s simple - place an order on our website or on-site in out store-warehouse at Brīvības gatve 401 and we will do the rest to receive the product. We give you our word - We work to ensure that everything is accurate and on time, so if we’ll miss the deadline, then you will receive a free delivery.
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The wood used for the production is FSC® certified, which confirms that forests used for timber development for sofa production are managed responsibly and in accordance with the FSC Principles.
Payment methods

You can make payment in cash at our store-warehouse or upon delivery.

Credit card
You can pay by card to our store-store or upon order online.

You can make payment by transfer both as individual, or a legal person.

You can form lease at our store-warehouse at the time of purchase, or upon order online.
Receipt of goods
Take out yourself
Receipt of goods, Take out yourself, Receipt of goods in our store-warehouse - free of charge.
Apply for delivery
You can find out the exact delivery price and the time available by contacting our professional delivery service by phone 25550606
Delivery price up to the outside door in Riga is 25 Eur, rest of Latvia - starting from 30 Eur.

Kolekcija GANDAR ir paraugs mēbeļu audumiem ar populāro linu pinumu, kas šobrīd ir ļoti pieprasīts. Šī kolekcija izceļas ar izcilu izturību pret saules gaismu, padarot to par ideālu izvēli vietām, kas pakļautas intensīvai saules gaismai. Tajā pašā laikā tas ir ļoti izturīgs, neskatoties uz to, ka audums ir plāns. GANDAR audums ir viens no krāsainajiem audumiem, kas nozīmē, ka tajā izmantotas dažādu krāsu dzijas, lai radītu melanžas efektu. Tas ir paredzēts mēbeļu, piemēram, stūra dīvanu un atpūtas krēslu apdarei. Tā noturība pret sūnām nozīmē, ka tā saglabājas lieliskā stāvoklī ilgu lietošanas laiku. GANDAR kolekcija ir lieliska izvēle tiem, kas novērtē gan estētiku, gan funkcionalitāti.